5 Ways to Wellbeing


We are excited to bring the Central Education ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ Challenge to all of our partner schools. This fun, engaging challenge is designed to help support schools with the recovery curriculum by encouraging children to engage in simple wellbeing tasks at home to support their mental health.
The school with the largest percentage of engagement against numbers on role will receive a £200 Decathlon voucher for sports equipment funded by Central Education. We will also award pupils and their families engagement directly through a prize draw.
The challenge is open from Monday 1st March until Friday 2nd April, with prize draws being completed on Tuesday 6th April during the Easter break.


Central Education will also be donating £200 to the Young Minds charity on completion of the challenge.


  • Each child will need access to the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ activity log which is available from your school
  • Video support is available for each challenge and can be viewed via our YouTube channel here
  • Children should tick off the challenges as they complete each one. The challenges can be completed in any order and do not necessarily have to be only one each day
  • If parents do not have a printer we have encouraged them to create their own log using ours as a template. Alternatively the Activity Logs could be ticked off electronically on a computer or mobile phone and saved each time
  • Where a household has more than one child, the parent will need to complete a separate entry for each
  • Once completed, an adult from the child’s household will need to scan the QR code on the Activity Log which will take them to a short survey to be completed. This will allow us to keep track of participation numbers at each school. Alternatively, please click here to access the survey.
  • Central Education staff will support any pupils that do not have access to a camera phone to log their entry


A full list of competition Ts & Cs can be read here.